Finding Our Minds


February 07, 2023 Dr. Margaret Arnd-Caddigan Season 3 Episode 8

Our final installment of discussing identity, personality, and character, Dr. Arnd-Caddigan discusses what makes up one's character. She goes on to review personal ethics in the context of forming identity and character, and how this relates to treating mental suffering in the therapeutic context.

Works cited in today's episode:
Carol Gilligan (1982) In a Different Voice

Johathan Haidt, Fredrik Björklund, and Scott Murphy (2000). Moral Dumbfounding:  When Intuition Finds No Reason.

Hursthouse, Rosalind and Glen Pettigrove, "Virtue Ethics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.

 Nel Noddings (1984).  Caring: A Relational Approach to Ethics and Moral Education

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Dr. Margaret Arnd-Caddigan (she/her), LCSW is an Associate Professor of Social Work at East Carolina University. Her latest book, Holistic Psychotherapy from a Post-Materialist Perspective is available wherever books are sold.

Léa Fae Caddigan (they/he/she/fae/faer) is a writer/director based in New York City. You can follow them on Instagram and Tiktok.

Artwork by Ray Gonzalez and music by Anton Ashmere.