Finding Our Minds


November 09, 2021 Dr. Margaret Arnd-Caddigan Season 2 Episode 5

We've been discussing all season the implications of mind-to-mind communication in the context of abuse. When someone experiences a narcissist's abusive tactics (such as gaslighting) it can often seem as though the abuser has an otherworldly control over our minds. In this episode we discuss the concept of psi, the mind-to-mind link between two people, and how that is twisted by the abuser to harm others. If you've ever experienced an encounter you would consider telepathic -either by an abuser or in another context- this episode is for you. 

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Dr. Margaret Arnd-Caddigan (she/her), LCSW is an Associate Professor of Social Work at East Carolina University. Her latest book, Holistic Psychotherapy from a Post-Materialist Perspective is available wherever books are sold.

Léa Fae Caddigan (they/he/she/fae/faer) is a writer/director based in New York City. You can follow them on Instagram and Tiktok.

Artwork by Ray Gonzalez and music by Anton Ashmere.